Day 5
its snowing crazy here... |
Heyy,I am Tagged.Beautiful D from strings of life tagged me and
The rules go like this -
Rule#1: Put the rules on your blog.
Rule#2: Every person who is tagged in this activity should tell 11 things about themselves, then answer the questions asked by the person who tagged you, then tag 11 other people and ask them 11 different questions.
Rule#3: Let the people whom you tagged know you've done so.
Rule#4: Don't tag anyone who's been tagged before.
Rule#5: Really do tag 11 others, don't go all ''if you want to take this tag''
Okay. Rule 1, Check.
Rule 2 now.
1. . I have two absolutely constasting personalities inside me and guys that’s gemini for you all.
2. I love taking pics,I almost click everything if I have a cam in my hand.
3. I prefer ice-cream to chocolate.
4. I am an extrovert by birth and desperately wanting to be an introvert by choice.( suggestions are most welcome).
5. I never had a facial till now.
6. I start buying things in phases…start collections and then altogether stop when I feel that I have enough…like coloured eyeliners phase,bangles phase,handbags,then a hugeee makeup phase when I hoarded soo much makeup and now I am in my stylish pants phase.
7. I am more of an eye-makeup girl than a lippie lover.can be bare-lip for rest of my life.
8. I am a serial-maniac
9. I don’t have an absolutely die-for favourite colour..i just love to have them all in my life.
10. I just cant decide between tea or coffee???heck!!whats the compulsion to choose when I just feel why bother when we can have both
11. I am a voracious newspaper reader,just never let go a paper without reading it-all irrespective of the date on it ,even the ones used in shelves or those we get with packages.
D wanted me to answer these questions??? or earth?why
Mother earth,that explains
2. Why and what triggered you to blog?
I was fascinated by the way bloggers live their lives fabulously,almost like stars.I love the knowledge blogging offers about almost everything,I learnt so much from the wonderful bloggers here and just wanted to share my 2 cents…moreover I see my blog as a way to keep track of my goals,focus more and celebrate my life often…
3. What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?
4. Hatredness or forgiveness? Why?
Actually both,after all I m a human.Hatredness for the ones who are morons and forgiveness for friends who realize their share of mistakes.
5. If you suddenly realize that you have just one day to live, what all would you do?
Spend all day with my mom,dad and my lovely sis.(being away from them since 6 yrs just cant be compensated but???)
6. Zindagi na milegi dobara or agneepath?
ZNMD,hands down
7. If you were not what you are right now (professionally) what would you be?
I always wanted to a doctor since I was 3 and thankfully I m. If not may be a corporate women.
8. Which is your best vacation place?
Right now I will answer it with home.
9. If you wake up one day to find six fingers and you are Hrithik Roshan, what would your next step be? :P
Go and sign a dozen movies .He badly needs them now
10. If you develop feelings for your best friend when you're already in a relationship with someone else, what would you do?
Check whether my feelings are saccha wala pyaar,if yes I would come to my best friend and ask him to be my best man,all my life.
11. Would you laugh away the past or would you change yourself?
Laugh away the immature past and change myself a little to mature ways….
My questions:
1. Do you love makeup?If yes why??
2. Your opinion on astrology and horoscope matching during indian weddings???
3. Your place of choice for settling India/U.S.A/other foreign country??why
4. Shoes/bags/clothes??why?
5. Your style mantra?
6. What do you like,love,lust the most in this world??
7. One makeup tip/beauty tip you swear by??
8. Your choice of colour for your bridal saree/lehenga?why?
9. do you have a budget for your makeup???
10. Your favorite foundation,concealer,blush,bronzer,lipstick,lipgloss,kajal,mascara,brushes(did I forget something,no I guess hehe)
11. Your heart jumps with joy for??aches when you???why
I m tagging
Hope you all will enjoy doing the tag…